10 Websites to Learn How to Code in the real world
1. codecademy.com – Learn to code interactively, for free.
2. codecombat.com – The most engaging game for learning programming, code in Python and Javascript.
3. codeschool.com – Code School courses are organized into Paths based on technology. Navigate to find the right course for you..
4. codeplace – Learn the Fundamentals by Building 6 Real Applications.
5. platzi.com – Develop your skills by learning from top industry leaders at your own pace. Learn Marketing, Design, Programming and more to help grow your career!.
6. thinkful.com – 1-on-1 learning to accelerate your way to a new high-growth tech career..
7. code.org – Code.org® is a non-profit dedicated to expanding access to computer science in schools and increasing participation by women and underrepresented minorities..
8. baserails.com — Master Ruby on Rails and other web technologies through real world projects.
9. treehouse.com – Get the tools to help you to succeed whether you are a beginner or an old pro.
10. onemonth.com – Learn real-world coding skills in these upcoming 30-day bootcamps.